Three simple photography composition rules to take better mobile phone pictures

heads-the photography-composition-rule-of-thirds-grid

Applying the following three simple ‘golden’ rules of composition will help us amateur mobile-phone photographers take better pictures.  Understanding the rules of composition will also help us to appreciate works of art, as the rules equally apply to other art forms.

The art of good picture taking, involves proper technique along with applying and /or combining the basic rules of composition.

However there are exceptions, when for a desired effect a photographer may decide to ignore the rules. Nonetheless a good photographer or artist is aware of their existence and application.

Three Golden Rules of Photography Composition

1- One of the most essential photography technique; The Rule of Thirds
The Rule of Thirds improves the composition and balance of your image.  Mentally divide your frame into two equally spaced horizontal lines and two equally spaced vertical lines. The important elements in your picture are then positioned along those lines, or on the axis where they cross.



2 – One of the most under-utilized composition rule; The Rule (Technique) of Leading Lines
Leading lines are used to draw the viewer’s attention to a specific part of the picture or to create a sense of depth and perspective.

This picture uses leading lines to create depth, and a sense of forward motion. (The rule of thirds was also applied.)


3- The Rule of Odds
Framing your subject with two surrounding objects, creating an odd number makes a better balanced picture. In practice the rule of odds just really applies to the number three, groups of 5, 7 if not properly used, may not have the desired effect.

The two buildings with the third object, the group of heads, uses the rule of odds to create a balanced picture. This picture is also a good example for the rule of thirds. View below intro image above.